Alternative Investments

Course description

Investments in alternative asset classes have boomed over the past years. This course gives you insight into the various types of alternative investments as well as the benefits and risks involved in them.

Course content

– Alternative Investments in Portfolios
– Risks of Alternative Investments
– J-curve
– Listed and Unlisted Real Estate
– Timberland
– Farmland
– Infrastructure
– Private Equity
– Hedge Funds
– Commodities
– CAT bonds
– CLOs
– CDOs

The course is relevant to

– Portfolio Managers
– Supervisors
– Portfolio Administrators
– Risk Managers
– Compliance
– Internal Audit
– Analysts
– Investors
– Investment Advisors
– Board of Directors


You are assumed to have a general knowledge about investments. However, the various topics within alternative investments will be explained, so you are not requested to have profound knowledge about alternative investments.

Reviews of this course (20)

24 May 2024

Alternative Investments

Levede op til forventning. Godt med opgaver, meget passende omfang. Meget god underviser, velforberedt og kan svare udenfor emnet.

Jens Johan Dam

Betri P/F

24 May 2024

Alternative Investments

Meget godt og inspirerende. Instruktøren er meget dygtig fagligt.

Jan Otto S. Holm


24 May 2024

Alternative Investments


Óli Mortensen

Tryggingarfelagid LÍV

24 May 2024

Alternative Investments

Fin balance, vi var få, så mulighed for dialog.

Evy Jacobsen


03 Nov 2023

Alternative investments

Levede helt klart op til mine allerede høje forventninger. Godt med opgaver og masser af tid til spørgsmål og inddragelse af deltagerne. Dygtig fagligt og også god underviser.

Peter Rønnebæk

03 Nov 2023

Alternative Investments

Meget relevant investeringsområde. Super tilfreds med udbyttet. Meget fint med praktiske eksempler. God dialog gennem hele dagen. Indlevende og inspirerende underviser.

Thomas Poulsen

Van Lanschot Kempen IM

03 Nov 2023

Alternative Investments


Jacob Schiander


04 Nov 2022

Alternative Investments

Christoph is excellent and very motivating. He is to the point and has a lot of relevant experience.

Malene Fredeløkke

Danica Pension

04 Nov 2022

Alternative Investments

Relevant and completely met my expectations. The instructor is knowledgeable and involving. I like the physical format and the discussions. Having exercises now and then makes it more tangible. The quiz was a nice element.

Matias Pino Méndez


04 Nov 2022

Alternative Investments

The instructor is really good, knowledgeable, pleasant. Managed to keep the conversation going and staying interesting and relevant.

Leela Voigt-Jalving

Danske Bank

04 Nov 2022

Alternative Investments

Very good. Very motivating!

Erik de Jonquières


04 Nov 2022

Alternative Investments

Godt overblik og gennemgang af alle relevante alternative aktivklasser. God kombination af teoretisk viden og praktisk erfaring.

Mikkel Langmark

Følgsgaard Family Office

04 Nov 2022

Alternative Investments

Lively speaker. Very experienced "hands on" practice allows a lot of live examples to be given. Course is very concrete.

Francois Xavier Douin

HSBC Asset Management

29 Apr 2022

Alternative Investment


Hans M. S. Christensen

Københavns Kommune

16 Dec 2019

Alternative Investments

General good knowledge from the teacher. It was good with exercises.

Lasse Holst Christensen


16 Dec 2019

Alternative Investments

Kahoot og opgaver var super fint.

Mads Jacob Færk

Arbejdernes Landsbank A/S

16 Dec 2019

Alternative Investments

This is a new area regarding work, so difficult to consider the applicability. But it seems excellent/good to start working with. There was more practice/info than theory which is good because I was looking for practice rather than theory.

Arnfinnur Gudjónsson


20 Jun 2019

Alternative Investments

Fin skifte mellem teori og praktiske eksempler.

Marc Salem


20 Jun 2019

Alternative Investments

Virkelig gode undervisningsmetoder

Sine Brandt


20 Jun 2019

Alternative Investments

Godt kursus, der giver en god baggrund for fremtidigt arbejde.

Anders Jessen



22 Nov 2024 - 22 Nov 2024

We are currently planning future dates.

Please contact us for more information.

Instructor on this course

Christoph Junge

Christoph Junge

Christoph Junge is Head of Alternative Investments at Velliv; a major Danish pension fund. He is a Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst and has more than 15 years of experience from the financial industry in both Denmark and Germany. He has worked with Asset Allocation, Manager Selection as well as investment advice in, among others, Nordea, Tryg and Jyske Bank. He was awarded Rising Star of the Year by Institutional Investor Institute in 2019.

Christoph holds an HD (Finance) from CBS – Copenhagen Business School.

Christoph teaches Alternative Investments

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