Certified Risk Manager

Course description

This certification program is relevant for people working with risk management, risk control, internal audit, financial authorities or similar. The education will provide you with a broad and deep understanding of the various risk management techniques employed in financial institutions. You will learn how to measure and manage market risk, credit risk, liquidity risk and operational risk. The education consists of three modules of two days each. After the final module you can take an exam and thereby become a Certified Risk Manager.

This course is also offered as an online course. Read more.

Course content

Module 1 Market Risk Measurement and Management

Enterprise Risk Management
Fundamental Review of the Trading Book
Value at Risk
Delta Normal Approach
Historical Simulation-based VaR
Delta VaR, Component VaR and Incremental VaR
Duration and Key Rate Duration
Capital Requirements for Market Risk
The Greeks
Simple, Exponentially Weighted Moving Average and GARCH-volatility
Stresstesting and backtesting

Module 2 Credit Risk Measurement and Management

Credit Risk Modelling
Credit Risk and Capital Requirements
Managing Credit Risk using Credit Derivatives
KMV Moody’s
CreditRisk +
Counterparty Risk

Module 3 Operational Risk and Liquidity Risk

Operational Risk Management
Framework for Operational Risk Management
Key Risk Indicators
Heat Maps
Operational Risk Self Assessment (ORSA)
Building a Loss Database
Using External Data
Mitigation of Risk
Capital Requirements for Operational Risk (Basic Indicator, Standard Method and AMA)

Liquidity Risk Management
BIS recommendations on Liquidity Risk Management
Gap analysis
Additional Liquidity Monitoring Metrics
Net Stable Funding Ratio
Liquidity Coverage Ratio
Funding analysis
Liquidity Risk and the Sub Prime Crises
Market Liquidity Risk

The course is relevant to

Anyone wanting a deep as well as broad knowledge of how to measure and manage risk in a financial institution; among others:

– Risk Managers
– Internal Auditors
– Financial Authorities
– Middle Office Employees
– Back Office Employees
– Analysts
– Consultants
– Compliance
– Treasurers
– Regulators
– Operations
– Account Managers


The education requires an introductory understanding of risks in the financial industry. You will be asked to read relevant literature and solve exercises in between the modules. After the final module there will be an exam.

Reviews of this course (13)

13 Sep 2023

Certified Risk Manager

Jörgen was very pedagogical and the tempo was neither slow nor fast. The course gave me some inspiration to go back and review the methods we use at the bank.

Lilyum Ågren Bayat


13 Sep 2023

Certified Risk Manager

Terms are used almost at daily basis at the office and I had earlier only high level understanding of the meaning, but now I am better aware of the real meaning.

Sami Kekäläinen


23 Mar 2023

Certified Risk Manager

The course fulfilled all expectations.

Michele Gleichert

Bank Norwegian

17 Oct 2022

Certified Risk Manager

Great! Good examples, clear slides, good practice exercises.

Erika Skaredotter

Ficope Risk Management AB

14 Sep 2022

Certified Risk Manager

Teacher has good knowledge about the companies the participants represent and are linking theory to relevant cases.

Kjetil Holt

Kommunalbanken AS

25 Aug 2021

Certified Risk Manager

Väldigt givande. Givit mig en djupare inblick i risk och bakgrunden till många sett att mäta risk. Instruktören är ödmjuk och pedagogisk. Bra jobbet!

Andreas Mattsson


22 Oct 2019

Certified Risk Manager

Veldig god balanse mellom teori og praksis. Instruktøren benytter relevante eksempler fra virkeligheten. Instruktøren har meget god og bred kompetanse. Presentasjonen av det faglige innholdet er meget pedagogisk. Instruktøren inviterer også til interessante faglige diskusjoner underveis. Det faglige innholdet er svært relevant i forhold til mitt arbeid innenfor risikostyring.

Thomas Bråtner

Fearnley Securities

03 Oct 2019

Certified Risk Manager

A good mix between practice and theory. The instructor was easy to understand. Good that he illustrated with different examples.

Stefan Dahl


03 Oct 2019

Certified Risk Manager

Theory and practice combined providing af good understanding. The instructor has excellent knowledge and is pedagogical.

Mathilda Keino

Volvo Group Treasury

04 Jun 2019

Certified Risk Manager

Highly relevant for my line of work.

Niklas Norrby

iSEC Services AB

14 May 2019

Certified Risk Manager

Good introduction and easy to follow. The information is easy to relate to my daily work. Good variation with both PPT and whiteboard. It's good to write by yourself, sticks better. The instructor talks in a comfortable way and not too fast. Makes the class ask questions and "tests" us to be better.

Evelina Kalmnäs Lindqvist

Förste AP-Fonden

29 Apr 2019

Certified Risk Manager

Highly competent instructor, took time for all questions and to explain. There was both theory and practice, and the instructor showed the calculations "live" - very useful.

Shabana Mugdal

Garantiinstituttet for Eksportkreditt

15 Apr 2019

Certified Risk Manager

Really excellent course going to the core of the most fundamental parts. Very much "hands-on" was appreciated. Extremely well balance between theory and practice. Tempo is a little bit high at times but pauses to reflect was appreciated. The instructor really knows the subject and can explain things in many different ways. Really good.

Henrik Larsen

Nordea Bank


Module 1

16 Sep 2025 - 17 Sep 2025

Module 2

16 Oct 2025 - 17 Oct 2025

Module 3

11 Nov 2025 - 12 Nov 2025

We are currently planning future dates.

Please contact us for more information.

Instructor on this course

Jørgen Just Andresen

Jørgen Just Andresen

Jørgen Just Andresen is Managing Director of Financial Training Partner A/S, which he co-founded in 2002.

He has many years of teaching experience as a chief consultant at SimCorp’s training department, which he joined in 1996. Prior to SimCorp he worked at Danske Bank with fixed income research and fixed income sales.

Jørgen has worked for a number of years as external lecturer at Copenhagen Business School and was awarded teacher of the year at CBS’ education Graduate Diploma in Business Administration (Financial planning).

He is author of the books Finansiel Risikostyring (Financial Risk Management) and Finansielle Derivater (Financial Derivatives) published by Djøf Publishing.

He holds an M.Sc. (international finance) and an HD (accounting).

Jørgen teaches Derivatives, Risk Management, Portfolio Management and Fixed Income

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