Klimarisikostyring i den finansielle sektor
Course in København
Kurset er relevant for dig, der har brug for en forståelse af, hvordan klimarisiko både udgør en selvstændig risikofaktor og påvirker vores tradi...
Financial Training Partner offers high quality financial courses and certification programs. Our courses give you tools you can use directly in your daily work.
Course in København
Kurset er relevant for dig, der har brug for en forståelse af, hvordan klimarisiko både udgør en selvstændig risikofaktor og påvirker vores tradi...
Course in Oslo
This certification program is relevant for people working with risk management, risk control, internal audit, financial authorities or similar. The ed...
Course in Oslo
This course enables you to measure and control the market risk portfolios of securities. The course is aimed at employees who deal with risk managemen...
Course in Oslo
The course will give you an understanding of how financial institutions should manage climate risk. Climate risk in the financial sector comes primari...
If you are several employees in the company who want the same course, an inhouse course might be the solution.
You are always welcome to contact us if you have any questions or would like to know more about one of our courses.