Certified Investment Supporter

Course description

The education is relevant for people who work with or support front office in a financial institution or a treasury department in a corporate company. You will learn about the financial markets as well as derivatives and the markets for alternative investments. The education consists of two modules of two days each. After the final module you can take an exam and thereby become a Certified Investment Supporter.

Course content

Modul 1: The Financial Markets
– Stock market
– Bond market
– FX- and money market
– The Norwegian financial institutions
– Alternative Investments

Modul 2: Derivatives
– Futures and options
– Repos
– FRAs, swaps and interest rate options
– Credit derivatives

The course is relevant to

– Backoffice employees
– Middle office employees
– IT-employees
– Accountants
– Internal Auditors
– Legal staff
– Newcomers to the financial market
– Compliance
– Operations
– Controllers
– Graduates
– Product Managers



No specific requirements. Participants will be asked to do home exercises between the two modules.

Reviews of this course (12)

10 Oct 2023

Certificeret Finansiel Supporter

Jeg har fået en masse ny viden, som jeg bestemt kan bruge i mit daglige arbejde. Underviseren er god til at inddrage kursister og giver tid til noteskrivning. Man føler sig tilpas og ikke "dum", når man stiller spørgsmål.

Mila M. Dalby


11 Oct 2022

Certificeret Finansiel Supporter

Rigtig godt. Meget fint med spørgsmål efter hvert modul.

Katrine Brockdorff Jensen


11 Oct 2022

Certificeret Finansiel Supporter

Gennemarbejdet. Kom godt rundt. Underviseren virker meget kompetent. Inddrager deltagere.

Kristian Dyhrberg

Lån & Spar

11 Oct 2022

Certificeret Finansiel Supporter

God struktur. God og pædagogisk gennemgang. Underviseren er god til at forklare. God til at motivere en til at lytte.

Anna Louise Madsen


01 Sep 2021

Certificeret Finansiel supporter

Jeg havde i forvejen høje forventninger grundet erfaringer fra kolleger, og det levede fuldt op til dem. God teoretisk viden og god kobling til deltagernes aktuelle situationer. Super med afbræk til opgaver.

Morten Nørskov-Jensen

Syd Fund Management

01 Sep 2021

Certificeret Finansiel supporter

God indflyvning og high level forklaring af finansielle markeder og udvalgte produkter. Instruktøren har gode kommunikative evner og pædagogiske evner.

Lars Klauber


26 Oct 2020

Certificeret Finansiel Supporter

Super relevant i forhold til mit arbejde. Godt at mange ting eksemplificeres med aktuelle fakta. Syntes vi blev mere og mere deltagende. Tænker det var fordi vi blev mødt godt.

Mette Munck


26 Oct 2020

Certificeret Finansiel Supporter

Der er et godt flow i undervisningen, og der er gode eksempler.

Jeanette Clausen


26 Oct 2020

Certificeret Finansiel Supporter

God variation af opgaver og eksempler. Instruktøren er god til at forklare og god til at inddrage relevante områder/emner fra arbejdsområder.

Stine Egenfeldt


26 Oct 2019

Certificeret Finansiel Supporter

God bred introduktion til materialet. Godt tempo og fine eksempler. Forelæsning og dialog alt efter behov og spørgsmål.

Jesper Koch Olsen


26 Oct 2019

Certificeret Finansiel Supporter

God fordeling mellem teori og praksis.

Carsten Permin, ATP


26 Oct 2019

Certificeret Finansiel Supporter

Passende fordeling mellem teori og praksis. Instruktøren har god præsentationsteknik.

Mads Sommer

Sparekassen Jylland


Module 1

29 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025

Module 2

26 May 2025 - 27 May 2026

We are currently planning future dates.

Please contact us for more information.

Instructor on this course

Jørgen Just Andresen

Jørgen Just Andresen

Jørgen Just Andresen is Managing Director of Financial Training Partner A/S, which he co-founded in 2002.

He has many years of teaching experience as a chief consultant at SimCorp’s training department, which he joined in 1996. Prior to SimCorp he worked at Danske Bank with fixed income research and fixed income sales.

Jørgen has worked for a number of years as external lecturer at Copenhagen Business School and was awarded teacher of the year at CBS’ education Graduate Diploma in Business Administration (Financial planning).

He is author of the books Finansiel Risikostyring (Financial Risk Management) and Finansielle Derivater (Financial Derivatives) published by Djøf Publishing.

He holds an M.Sc. (international finance) and an HD (accounting).

Jørgen teaches Derivatives, Risk Management, Portfolio Management and Fixed Income

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