Operationel risiko – måling og styring
Course in København
Dette kursus giver dig værktøjer til effektivt at kunne styre den operationelle risiko i en finansiel institution. Du lærer om kapitalkrav til oper...
Financial Training Partner offers high quality financial courses and certification programs. Our courses give you tools you can use directly in your daily work.
Course in København
Dette kursus giver dig værktøjer til effektivt at kunne styre den operationelle risiko i en finansiel institution. Du lærer om kapitalkrav til oper...
Course in København
Kurset giver dig en detaljeret viden om, hvilke værktøjer der findes til at måle og styre likviditetsrisiko. Du lærer også, hvordan man kan stres...
Course in Copenhagen
This comprehensive course will take you through all the major aspects of Performance Measurement. We will go through the pitfalls of calculating retur...
Course in Copenhagen
Investments in alternative asset classes have boomed over the past years. This course gives you insight into the various types of alternative investme...
If you are several employees in the company who want the same course, an inhouse course might be the solution.
You are always welcome to contact us if you have any questions or would like to know more about one of our courses.